Accepting New Clients For Therapy in Ephrata, PA

Accepting New Clients For Therapy in Ephrata, PA

New Option For Office-Based Psychotherapy and Teletherapy in Ephrata, PA Specializing in Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Anxiety, Depression and Addictive Disorders

Paul Borish, MA

Licensed Professional Counselor
Certified Advanced Addiction Counseling Professional
Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional

As Pennsylvania adjusts to a new normal, clients have been asking about office based therapy. For clients’ convenience, I have added an office based option for cognitive behavioral therapy in Lancaster County, PA. I offer the option to meet face to face, by secure video teletherapy, or a combination of both.

Some reasons to take advantage of the new office based therapy option in Ephrata:

  • The home environment is just too busy. It can be hard to find a quiet and private space for a therapy session if you live with other people.
  • Some might prefer to travel to and from a physical office, as it lets them have have some time to themselves both before and after a session.
  • Some might just feel more comfortable being in the same physical space as the therapist.

Reasons to consider telecounseling sessions:

  • Ability to provide cognitive behavioral therapy online
  • Therapy can continue through telecounseling, even when offices are closed during events such as the COVID pandemic.
  • Teletherapy is convenient for those who travel often, because sessions can still happen regularly, no matter where you actually are.
  • Teletherapy sessions are easier on your schedule, since you don’t have to drive there or back.

I have seen many clients get relief of depression and anxiety doing CBT in my office, and also from doing cognitive behavioral therapy with me online. The more important thing is that you are willing to work hard on your goal.

  • I have used teletherapy for over three years, and am comfortable and familiar with the technology
  • I use a simple, secure interface: GoToMeeting. Easy to use apps are available for desktop, iPad, iPhone, and Android devices.  It is simple, reliable, and 100% secure and confidential

What is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy?

The type of therapy that I primarily use is Cognitive Behavior Therapy, also known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), an evidence based intervention. Evidence-based means there is scientific evidence that patients who practice it achieve their treatment goals. First developed by Aaron Beck, MD in the 1960’s, CBT helps individuals understand the connection between their thoughts (cognitions), behaviors, and emotions (depression, anxiety, etc). In CBT, patients learn to change their thinking, to use better coping strategies, and to decrease painful emotions.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy, also known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence based intervention, meaning there is scientific evidence that patients who practice it achieve their treatment goals.

How Can Psychotherapy Help Me?

CBT requires that we have a specific goal to achieve. This can be fewer panic attacks, overcoming a phobia, or relief of depression. You will learn how your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors keep you stuck. You’ll practice recognizing distorted thoughts as they happen, so you can question, and change them. You will begin to recognize unhealthy behaviors and substitute more healthy coping skills. These skills are learned in therapy and practiced in between sessions.

Along the way, you’ll learn about what motivates you. You’ll gain insight into how you go about making meaning of things that happen in your life. You will feel a decrease in painful emotions and unhelpful behaviors. You will develop more healthy coping skills. Your thinking will be more realistic. You’ll see an improvement in functioning and well being. The skills you gain will help you navigate challenges in the future, as well.

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New Office in Ephrata For Therapy:

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For More Information, See My Website:

Travelers Psychological Services

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